Specific Chiropractic Care

In order to function at the potential that God has instilled in our bodies, Dr. Myers will locate, analyze, and adjust any segments that will provide your nervous system an increase ability to function and go through life without pain.  Our goal is to train your body to correspond with your nervous system to be able to accomplish your goals and dreams free of vertebral subluxations causing pain.

Sports Performance

We want to be able to give athletes an area where with Chiropractic Care and Sports Performance meet and work hand in hand, in order to train athletes to be the best they can be.  This is where the #BeEL1TE initiative is going to take place.  The Southside of Virginia is full of incredible athletes that need a mixture of Chiropractic Care and Sports Performance in order to earn and acquire a path to the next level.

Through research, athletes that have Chiropractic Care as a staple of their regimen, increase their performance by 18% - 20%, which is a key advantage.  This is why every NFL team, almost all MLB and NHL teams, and well known professional athletes look to Chiropractic to increase their Sports Performance.  Be on the leading edge of Athletic Performance at East Coast Elite & remember #BeEL1TE!

Sports Rehab

We will provide sports rehab in order to make sure, you can get back to playing your sport as soon as possible.  Through Chiropractic Care to the Boost Treadmill to the Ultrasound to Normatech, we will all be on the same team with your health and rehab process!

Exercise Regimens

We will provide exercise regimens not only to get you in better shape, but also to ensure your chiropractic care is maximized.  Dr. Myers will give “home-care”, which we at East Coast Elite want you to do in the rehab room after your adjustment to save time so you can spend quality time with your family and on other activities you may have planned.  

KT Taping

KT Tape is an elastic sports tape designed to relieve pain while supporting muscles, tendons, and ligaments.

KT Tape helps with the following injuries: 

  • Carpal Tunnel

  • Hamstring Strain

  • Wrist Pain

  • Runner’s Knee

  • Neck Strain

  • Calf Strain

  • Shoulder Pain

  • Achilles Tendinitis

  • Tennis Elbow

  • Golfer’s Elbow

  • Shin Splints

  • Ankle Sprains

  • Quad Strain

  • Gluteus Pain

  • Rib Pain

  • Postural Syndrome

  • Plantar Fasciitis

When an area of the body is injured through impact or over-use, the lymphatic fluid builds up causing inflammation and swelling. This accumulation of lymphatic fluids may cause increased pressure on muscles and tissue which can cause significant discomfort or pain.

When applied correctly, KT Tape lifts the skin, decompressing the layers of fascia, allowing for greater movement of lymphatic fluid which transports white blood cells throughout the body and removes waste products, cellular debris, and bacteria.

Whether you are training for your first marathon, getting ready for your first game, reaching a personal fitness goal, or just trying to get through the day, nothing slows you down more than pain and injury. KT Tape is light weight, comfortable to wear, and can be used for hundreds of common injuries such as lower back pain, knee pain, shoulder pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, sprained ankles, and tennis elbow—just to name a few. KT Tape provides pain relief and support* so you don’t have to slow down.

Rock Blades & Scraping

Soft Tissue Instrument Scraping allows the skin to improve it’s circulation with soft tissue massaging & scraping.  The practitioner scrapes your skin with short or long strokes to stimulate microcirculation of the soft tissue, which increases blood flow, helping heal the tissue in acute, chronic circumstances and to break apart scar tissue.

Maternity Care

In order to bring a healthy child into the world, mothers need to be at their very best health-wise.  Mothers who receive chiropractic care decrease the time spent in labor and increase the amount of nutrition that is provided to the baby in order for the baby to be healthy.  The birthing process doesn’t only produce stress to the baby but also the mother.  Expecting Mothers be at your very best for yourself and your baby and come by East Coast Elite Chiropractic to get the care you deserve!

LightForce Laser Therapy

Tissue Laser Therapy is scientifically proven treatment to reduce pain and inflammation. Treatments are fast, safe, painless and most patients experience results after only a few sessions. Laser Therapy generates a photo-chemical response in damaged tissues by a process called photo biomodulation. This process stimulates healing on a cellular level by enabling cells to more rapidly produce energy (ATP). Laser Therapy is clinically proven to reduce pain and inflammation associated with many common musculoskeletal conditions such as neck pain, lower back pain, herniated disk, sports injuries, arthritis, post-op pain and swelling, bursitis, tendinitis, rotator cuff, hip pain, and plantar fasciitis. Laser Therapy is currently being used to treat professional athletes from the NFL, MLB, NHL, NBA, PGA, NCAA, and Olympic athletes.

Massage Therapy

Our licensed massage therapist offers a number of different massages therapies and techniques to reduce pain, stiffness, and promote relaxation. Some of these therapies include Deep Tissue, Swedish, Stretching, Cupping, Hot Stones, Facial Massage, and Cranial Sacral Massages. Our qualified massage therapist can treat and encourage further healing of many different injuries and conditions.

Deep Tissue massage breaks up scar tissue, makes movement easier, helps rehabilitate injured muscles, and restores sore and overused muscles.

Swedish massage reduces stress, increases blood flow, and promotes relaxation using light pressure.

Stretching helps relieve and improve muscles tension, and helps increase circulation to improve overall health.

Cupping releases painful trigger points, reduces scar tissue, relieves pain, and decreases toxins by suction.

Hot Stones provides a comforting and relaxing experience with heat by adding depth to relieve stress and anxiety. It also aids in sleep, offers immune boosting, and helps manage chronic pain.

Facial massage helps with sinus pressure, problems with the Temporal Mandibular Joint (TMJ), promotes anti-aging, reduces wrinkles, and encourages facial rejuvenation.

Cranial Sacral massage offers care for migraines, headaches, neck pain, and fibromyalgia by focusing on the upper neck and head, one of the most critical areas of the body.